Please respect social distancing instructions for everyone’s safety


One thing we know for certain about Covid-19 is that its spread can be prevented by minimising contact.

Please, please, please listen to government and WHO advice to maintain social distancing, social isolation when infected or having respiratory symptoms and shielding of the vulnerable. Save a life – please respect the measures in effect wherever you are.

Finally, a huge ‘thank you’ to NHS staff, carers and public service workers in the UK and to medical services worldwide. You are all heroes.

Stay safe, everyone.

By John Vassar

New cover art

Really pleased with the new cover art. I decided to lose the Orbtown as the focal point and give the whole thing a little more ‘pace’. Now we have two Skimmers (FedStat Mark V Pursuit Skimmers to be precise) in close formation which gives a little more urgency to the scene. Comments welcome!

Published at last!

Nearly a year behind schedule ( no excuses, life plus heavy editing got in the way… ) Provider Prime has finally hit the bookshelves. Link below to the UK Amazon page – you can select either paperback or e-book (Kindle) format from here or get a free preview:-

The Kindle / e-book is also available at Amazon US, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, BR, CA, MX, AU, IN and JP sites ( enter B01MR232I5 into the search box or search for John Vassar Provider Prime ).

The paperback is also available at Amazon US, DE, FR, ES, IT and JP sites ( enter 1520284942 into the search box or search for John Vassar Provider Prime )

I will also be updating / adding a couple of new pages to the blog over the next few days – apologies in advance for the notifications!